.. 18 Tips For Boys And Lover How To Hug A Girl - Knowledge Corner

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Friday 1 March 2019

18 Tips For Boys And Lover How To Hug A Girl

18 Tips For Boys And Lover How To Hug A Girl

18 Tips For Boys And Lover How To Hug A Girl

Knowing how to hug a girl can be complicated, especially if you're starting the gesture. 
If you're not sure of the rules for hugging a girl, here's your guide. 

If you are ignorant of unspoken rules about how to embrace the opposite sex and want to know how to hug a girl, these tips can keep Just think of this: a great guy approaching a girl with arms wide open can be seen as a sign of affection if done correctly, or misunderstood as a form of sexual harassment if done without mind. Therefore, it is advisable to know the appropriate ways to hug a girl before taking her in her arms. Unless you want to interpret your romantic gesture like a creepy move.

How To Hug A Girl - The Small Details You Need To Know

If you're wondering how to hug a girl the right way, remember these tips for
  1. Girls prefer to be the "hugger" instead of the "huggee. While boys do not really care when they receive a surprise hug from the opposite sex, women tend to be more aware of their personal space and more terrifying than intimate physical contact.
  2. Consider what kind of relationship you have with the girl. Are you two neighbors? If you are, how close are you? As childhood friends for more than ten years? Are you romantically involved? Are you previously romantically involved? Are you a family? These are some of the questions you must ask yourself before embracing it.
  3. Look for signs that wants to be embraced. A relaxed and open posture that invites you to close is a good sign that will take your hug. However, if her body language seems closed and she puts the distance between you, tells you to move back and keep your hands away from her.
  4. Is it appropriate to give her a hug at that moment? Hugging is a form of intimate contact given as a sign of affection, friendship, intimacy or support. If the situation does not require one, then maybe postpone for later.
  5. Consent is a must. Embracing a girl requires 60% of a man's effort: relax the body and assume the embrace attitude that is opening the arms as an invitation. The other 40% would be the girl who accepts the gesture and approaches you.Real life is not like the Korean or Japanese drama where you shoot her as she walks away from you, hugging her tightly as she breaks into your embrace in tears. This could cause a slap or an uncomfortable fight to escape from you.
  6. Play safely if you're not sure. If you're not sure if the girl is ready for a hug, try this move. As you greet, * slightly * inclines your shoulders towards her as you move towards her and takes your hand out of the side of your life, as if you were going for a large handshake. This move seems random, but it's blatant and a smart thing to do, because it will not be safe if you're holding a handshake or a hug. And let her make that decision.If she approaches for a hug, hug her. And if you reach out, shake hands.
  7. Always be kind. Do not hug a girl like you would an old college brother. Keep those ugly manly hugs they belong to.
  8. Remember where you put your hands. Depending on the nature of your relationship with the girl, always keep your hands in the neutral places of a woman. A reassuring pat on the back or a light rubbing on the shoulder to comfort a crying girl would be appropriate, but over the confines of her lower back a slap is asked.
  9. Consider your hygiene. Hugging a girl after you have done your round at the gym would be a turn even if the aforementioned girl is attracted to you. At the very least, be sure to take a shower before giving a hug to women, or give them a clear warning that you're too dirty for a hug!
  10. Remember how long your hug lasts. As a rule, long hugs are for people who are close and have a closer relationship with you. Short friendly hugs are for more casual settings. Giving a long hug to a girl you just met can be perceived as embarrassing and disturbing. When it comes to knowing how to hug a girl, let her check the duration of the hug if you're not sure if you're lingering. As soon as you feel your arms rise from your back, do the same.

There Some Kinds of Hugs For Any girl & Every Occasion

** Friendly hugs for friends, family, acquaintances with whom you want to be close or even strangers with whom you have shared a moment. These are the most harmless and casual hugs.

# 1 One-arm belt. When it comes to knowing how to hug a girl, you should remember that this is the least intimate of hugs in which the embrace wraps an arm over the arm or shoulder of the receiver and is done with a slight pressure of both your bodies.

# 2 The hug of casual greeting. The casual embrace is made using only one arm where everyone puts the arm hugged over the shoulder and pressing the upper part of the torso together in a rapid movement. There is a certain distance between the huggers from the central part of the bust to the bottom. This hug is done quickly.

# 3 The side hug. This is a hug where the receiver is not facing the embrace. The winder wraps both arms on the receiver side just like a bear hug. As such, the receiver can not hug you. 

# 4 Embrace of comfort Just like in movies, this is a kind of hug that gives those who need comfort or a shoulder to cry on. The winder wraps a hand on the back of the receiver's head while the other hand is on its back. The receiver is in front of the loser's chest and wraps both arms on the back of the nozzle. There, there.
** Intimate Hugs for people who have a special meaning for you. As the name suggests, these are more intimate and involve more contact with the body. Used for your special person, your lover or your spouse.

# 5 Complete hug. Similar to the purpose as an embrace of comfort, but with both bodies pressed tightly and positions of the slightly audacious hand. The winder wraps an arm around the neck of the receiver or on the upper back while the other hand is wrapped around the lower back. The receiver does the same by creating a mirror image of the hugger. The heads are placed on the shoulders of the other person.

# 6 Slow Dance Embrace Just like you would do with a girl during the night dance dance, this kind of hug is romantic and sweet in a nice way. Girl wraps her arms around the boy's neck as the boy puts his hands around her waist. This hug is perfect if you are approaching for a kiss, or just to listen to music and dance while you speak face to face.

# 7 Hugs from behind . Commonly used for surprise hugs, the guy sneaks from behind and wraps both arms around the girl's waist. The hug then tightens their bodies close together, and you can add a small neck that rubs the nose or nibble for your pleasure.

# 8 The hug outside. This is a kind of embrace of the whole body where the girl wraps her arms around the boy's neck and her legs wrapped around her waist. This requires strength since the boy is actually carrying all the weight of the girl. From what it seems, you have an idea of ​​what this hug is.

A hug is one of the most intimate physical gestures you give a girl as a sign of affection. And when you know how to hug a girl in the way she wants to be hugged, she has the power to comfort, cheer up and express your affections in the warmest way possible.

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