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Friday 1 March 2019

The Wonderful Benefits Of Olive Oil with Lemon Juice

The Wonderful Benefits Of Olive Oil with Lemon Juice

The Wonderful Benefits Of Olive Oil with Lemon Juice

Although the consumption of this remedy brings us a great deal of vitamins and benefits, we can not base our diet on it, on the contrary, consider it an ideal complement to improve our health. The benefits of olive oil with lemon juice are numerous. In recent years the tendency to choose remedies of natural origin has increased.Although they are not as powerful as drugs, they have the advantage of not having contraindications or secondary effects and they bring numerous benefits to our body, as well as being economically within everyone's reach.

Although there are many diseases that can not be cured by these natural remedies, it is known that certain products help to reduce their symptoms.Among these products we find olive oil, a prodigious and healthy elixir that has become famous for its versatility in gastronomy and for its high nutritional value.Olive oil with lemon juice turns into a powerful natural remedy that can give a plus of nutrients to our body, but not only: it is also able to alleviate certain discomfort and avoid annoying complications .To follow we want to show you in detail the qualities of this remedy: we are sure that after reading the article, you will introduce it in your daily diet!

Fights Constipation

The fasting consumption of this natural remedy is a good option to combat constipation and digestive problems. Olive oil acts as a natural laxative, while lemon reduces inflammation and improves intestinal transit. You can take it if you suffer from intestinal gas, abdominal distension or excess acidity.

Purifies The Organism

Both lemon juice and olive oil have detoxifying properties that purify the body. The combination of these two ingredients promotes and facilitates the elimination of toxins, enhances the functioning of the liver and gallbladder  and creates a barrier that protects against cell damage caused by free radicals.

Check Cholesterol

The healthy fats that make up olive oil are ideal for regulating blood lipids and preventing plaque formation in the arteries. Its regular consumption helps to control the levels of bad cholesterol , increasing those of good cholesterol and avoiding the imbalance of triglycerides.

Reduces Joint Pain

By taking a spoonful of olive oil and fasting lemon juice, it is possible to reduce inflammation in the joints and, consequently, rheumatic pains. Since the antioxidants in this remedy help to counteract oxidative damage and facilitate the elimination of toxins, its regular consumption is a healthy and natural way to prevent diseases related to the joints.

Improves The Appearance of Sin, Hair And Nails

This simple remedy is also an excellent alternative to common creams to protect weak nails that break or break easily. Its direct application helps to keep them hydrated.Thanks to its antiseptic and astringent properties,  this natural elixir is also a powerful remedy to combat skin problems and dandruff .

Abdominal Fat

This remedy is not, in itself, a real fat burner, but works as a supplement that facilitates the loss of extra pounds. Its properties improve the performance of liver and gallbladder functions, two fundamental organs in digestion and fat metabolism.

Its essential fatty acids have a strong satiating, diuretic and anti-inflammatory power, which favors weight loss. These same acids promote the decomposition of fats that accumulate in the abdominal area and, over time, also help reduce the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

Improve Circulation

Olive oil has anticoagulant properties that help improve blood circulation, thus preventing obstructions of blood vessels .Its regular intake, as well as topical applications, stimulate blood flow and prevent the formation of varicose veins.

It Keeps The Blood Pressure Under Control 

The antioxidants and minerals present in the ingredients of this natural remedy are especially useful for those suffering from high blood pressure. The fasting consumption of this remedy controls pressure peaks and improves heart rhythm.

Prevents Premature Aging

A spoonful of this elixir of olive oil and lemon juice offers the cells of our body a great supply of antioxidants and nutrients capable of preventing premature aging. It contains vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease and arthritis, and also retards the formation of wrinkles. It also provides monounsaturated and mineral fats, ideal for enhancing our body's liver, kidney and digestive functions.

How To Prepare The Olive Oil Remedy With Lemon Juice?

This remedy based on olive oil and lemon juice should be taken as a supplement to a healthy and balanced diet and not as a sole source of food.Remember, moreover, not to exceed the dose of a tablespoon a day, since an excess could cause unwanted reactions.


  • Half a spoon of olive oil (about 8 g)
  • Half a spoon of fresh lemon juice (about 5 ml)
Preparation And Recruitment

Mix the two ingredients and take them on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast .
It is advisable to take the remedy every morning or, in any case, at least three times a week.
Now that you know all the properties of these two simple ingredients, what are you waiting for to start taking advantage of the benefits?

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