.. 8 Most Beloved Facts About Your Body That You Do Not At All Are True - Knowledge Corner

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Saturday 2 March 2019

8 Most Beloved Facts About Your Body That You Do Not At All Are True

8 Most Beloved Facts About Your Body That You Do Not At All Are True

1. Stress Can Give You More Earwax 

If you find that a lot of earwax accumulates during the periods when you feel pressured, then it is actually good enough. Both anxiety, stress - and even exercise - can actually boost the production of the sticky city. This is partly due to the fact that the glands that produce earwax also control the triggering of the type of sweat you experience in the same situations.

Tip! Remember that you must never clean ears with a cotton swab. You risk stopping the ear wax further, so it forms a plug. 

2. Tiny Mites Live In Your Face

You have thousands of facials living in your skin and eyebrows. Right now. In fact, they are a species of spiders because they have eight legs. Before you faint, we'll just fire with some calming info. The small creatures are about 0.1-0.4 millimeters long and live by the hair follicles. They do no harm and some of them have the smart function of releasing dead skin cells and excess skin fat. However, we just have to get used to the thought ...

3. Your Lungs Are Gigantic And Breathe Thousands Of Liters Of Air

So, of course, they are no bigger than they can be in your chest, but if we look at their surface area, they are actually huge - about 180 square feet, to be more accurate. In comparison, a tennis court is approximately 190 square meters large. Your lungs are really mushroom-like, and consist of millions of tiny 'bubbles', called alveoli, which together have a huge surface. This is where the air is sucked down when you breathe. And did you also know that in the course of a day you breathe something like 30,000 liters of air? 

4. The Brain Eats 20 Percent Of Your Calories

Just as your computer needs power, your brain needs energy. Otherwise, it does not work optimally. And even though the brain only represents about two percent of your body weight, it actually eats 20 percent of the calories you burn each day. The brain lives by a mixture of glucose and oxygen that it gets through the blood. However, this does not mean 
that you burn more when you really think about it so you don't have to grind a bag of Matador Mix

5. You Change Skin Every Month

You probably know that you lose the dead skin cells every day - if anything else, because you have been trying to lubricate the skin and suddenly have a lot of semi-crippled weeping between your fingers. In fact, you lose 30,000 dead skin cells per minute, which means 
your entire epidermis has restored itself every 35 days. It is also the reason why about 80 percent of dust is thought to consist of dead skin cells. If it is not a good reason to vacuum extra thoroughly next time , then we will soon not know ... 

6. Tongue Kiss is A Healthy Bacterial Attachment

Your oral cavity houses over 700 different kinds of bacteria and millions of bacteria in total. And now, it turns out that up to 80 million of them change places when you and your heartbreaking tongue kiss for just ten seconds. It sounds really loud, but read on before you start gargling hand sprays: Research suggests that a high diversity of bacteria is good for us, because it can help keep the harmful microorganisms out of our system. So tongue kiss is pure health! 

Tip! Studies show that if you grow sex once or twice a week , you have a higher level of a particular antibody that combats infections. So loose!

7. Some of Us Can Hear Colors And See Sounds

You are not crazy if you find that you can taste a touch, see a sound or hear a color. This means that you belong to just under four percent of the population who have synesthesia. There are three to four times more women than men who experience this rare form of cohesion, which covers that a sensory effect triggers reaction in another sense - for example, a color is coupled with a particular sound. Previously, it was thought that it was a mental disorder, but it has now been found that synesthetics have more prominent connections between brain senses than others. And it turns out that the proportion of artists with synesthesia is quite large. 

8. Your Tears Heal you

Next time someone says there's no reason to cry, don't listen to them ! Biochemists have found out that tears actually have healing properties. Your crying includes, among other things, an endorphin that suppresses pain, which is very handy if, for example, you have beaten or cut your finger. In addition, the tears contain stress hormones, and crying helps literally rinse stress, anger and grief out of the system. Studies have even shown that people with stress-related diseases tend to cry more often than many others. 

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