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Saturday 2 March 2019

10 Common Conflicts In The Relationship - And The Solution To Them

10 Common Conflicts In The Relationship - And The Solution To Them

common causes of conflict in relationships

Dishwashing, in-laws-tame tame and lack of sex drive - there are no limits to what you can get up to with the girlfriend about. But there is no reason to let the quarrel last for days. Follow Woman's guide on the 10 most common conflicts in the relationship and 
learn to solve them in no time.

1. Root And Cleaning

There is hardly anything that breeds so many conflicts as the cleaning standard in the common home. And it doesn't even have to be because one of you is as clean as Monica in Friends, and the other never notes that the floor is sticky and the null men bark.If your loved one is not clean, you can be after him from here and forever. It may well be that he will make an effort and wipe the table off after a proper hang-up, but in the long run he will not miraculously look for the crumbs and clean himself.

Give him a red corner in the bedroom that you just don't touch, maybe it can calm you down. Or, conversely, if it is now you are the roots head at home. You can also invest in a cleaning aid ... It doesn't have to be that expensive - for example, it could be a smaller sibling or the like who wants to make some money, and it can save you a lot of crying and frustration (+ you can use the cleaning time to have fun instead!.

2. Family Tame And Attendance

When you are lovers, you have two families, you have to care for everything that belongs to Christmas lunches, birthdays, Sunday dinners and other traditions. It will be easy to go with all events in both families - and if you can't even grab the in-laws (or vice versa), the dilemma arises: Do you absolutely spend your Saturday sitting and small talke with your horrible mother in law? Or is it ok to report to family-tame every now and then?

The answer is individual from couple to couple - but discuss things. Although you are a couple, you do not have to be together all the time - and it may well be nice to have some time alone with the family? So go by yourself now and then, but look up when the situation requires it.

3. Meat Or Not?

Most men are on the verge of death unless they get three solid meals a day every single day. And a real man's meal often contains lots of meat and not very many vegetables.Unfortunately, the male meal does not fit well, for example, if you are not so fond of meat.

If your husband insists on eating giant meals, make it clear to him that you don't envy him, even if you just get a light salad instead of hot dogs, steaks and coffin. And then make a compromise so he makes his food a couple of times a week, and you give him a steak or a proper chunk of bread for the food when you create your favorite meal.

4. Leisure: Breathing Room Or Activity Center?

You've had a busy week together and separately, and now it's finally weekend. But how do you really spend all the lovely time ahead of you? Are you going to run from museum to museum? Are you going to shop, until you kill and the shops close? Are you going to party until the bright morning? Do you have to go to dinner or just lie on the couch?

It's all about keeping both of you happy AND make sure you are rested and fresh for the new week's hardships, and if his idea of ​​a cool weekend is something different than yours, share the weekend between you. Do his things on Saturdays and yours on Sundays - and don't be afraid to let him go alone. Remember to make an appointment in good time if the weekend is to be put off for something.

5. Zappe Sick

Immediately there could be many good reasons for choosing a remote control for one of life's great miracles, but it is now also the cause of many quarrels between otherwise happy couple couples.Someone thinks that a remote control is there to switch channels in time and out - and many others would rather enjoy the favorite series in its full length!

Fortunately, the problem is easy to solve and there are plenty of ways to do it. You can, for example, save the remote control or replace it with an old one that doesn't work - then he has something to play with and you won't be disturbed. Alternatively, you can switch to decide on the remote control or buy an extra TV, tablet or computer so you can watch TV in your own way. But of course you could just turn off the TV completely and do something completely different!

6. Time For Caress

You've both had a life with friends, party and hobbies before you became two, and you'll probably just as much time for shopping and girlfriends as he will have time to nappy with his Playstation and drink beer with friends. But what is too much time together - and what is too little?

Whether it is he who spends all his time in front of the computer or you who is only home one night a week, you have a problem. A relationship requires work and time, and therefore you have to invest in one another. If the schedule is tight then agree a weekly boyfriend evening and use it as you like best - whether it is talking to each other, loving the whole evening or walking in the steak and holding hands on the back row ...

7. Night Sleep A Common Project

Is there anything more romantic than waking up with the one you love? Well ... at least it's not necessarily spending the night with him! For as sweet and thoughtful he is in the waking hours, as selfish as he can be when he sleeps. And when he steals the quilt or snores loudly, what do you ask - or he, if it is you who fills - then look up?

The answer is, of course, that you have to find a practical solution to the night problems. Does he steal the entire quilt? So buy a double pad so you can fall asleep in arm, without risking waking up. Or snap an extra quilt in the bed so he can pull it to you when you nip the quilt. Does he snore worse than an accident? So buy earplugs for you - and then sleep on the couch if you have important errands early the next morning and you fear your night's sleep.

8. Agreements

An appointment is not just a deal, so even though he says he is at home at 23, it can easily mean that around the rain and about him, while for you it means most and preferably exactly. And he may think you're annoying when you expect accurate time. If your relationship with agreements is not the same, then tell your loved one that you become completely ill of concern if he does not arrive on time, even if you know that it is completely irrational. 

Maybe you can ask him to be so sweet to send a text message if he gets delayed? And then accept that he is the way he is - and you are not his mother. And just think that he will probably compromise on you too. 

9. Shopping Or Eco-Milk?

There is only one thing that is more unpleasant to discuss than money, and it is sex. But if you share home and everyday life, it is not to be without discussing the economic side of the case. Do you have different priorities? Do you want to buy designer clothes, and would he rather cash in on beer and junk food? So each have your finances and throw money for food and various other necessities in a common pool so you don't end up with overdrafts and sour mines.

10. When The Desire is Missing

When you were newly in love, it was no problem at all to cheer on the sheets at any given occasion. But when it has become everyday, it can be a little harder to throw the cloths and fire up under the belief.Have you lost the spirit? And is the girlfriend always ready with the rumster rod? Or is it just the other way around - he doesn't want to, and you suffer in silence? Sexuality does not always match and there is only one thing to do about it: Talk about it . In the dressed state well, and far away from the bed! 

Why don't you (or he) want? Are you stressed? Depressed? Ill? Tired? Worried? Is there anything he can do outside of bed to give you the desire again? Are there things you miss that you do in bed? Or do you just need a little break from the hot lovemaking?

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