.. How To Deal With The Most Common Types Of Pain - Knowledge Corner

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Tuesday 26 February 2019

How To Deal With The Most Common Types Of Pain

How To Deal With The Most Common Types Of Pain

How To Deal With The Most Common Types Of Pain

Pain In The Legs

Understand the problem.  Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the arch of the foot, which causes pulling pain while walking and running. As if the bundle in your foot became shorter than it was yesterday. Approximately 5% of the population from time to time experiencing this problem - due to the peculiarities of gait. For those who are running, the likelihood of illness increases twice.

Stop Take ibuprofen pill - it will relieve pain. And dip your heel in cold water for 15–20 minutes in the morning and evening. Know that this problem is often related to the tension of the muscles of the calves and the Achilles tendons. Roll a tennis ball with each foot for 10–15 minutes several times a day to relieve tension.

Warnings Do not install the treadmill under the slope - running uphill loads the arches of the feet too much. And finally buy footwear for running with enhanced arch support.

Still hurts? Use a special elastic bandage for the night to fix the calf and the arch of the foot during sleep. And if this does not help, check with the surgeon if it’s time to inject steroids or other anti-inflammatory drugs.


Understand What's The Matter Increased acidity of gastric juice leads to the fact that you feel as if you swallow ember all over the evening. Most often this happens because of fatty or spicy foods, problems can also throw alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, tomatoes, sweets and so on.

Stop If heartburn is caused by food, use over-the-counter antacids that lower acidity — for example, maalox. And chew sugarless gum, it promotes the secretion of saliva, which blocks the acid.

Warn Do not smoke. The lower sphincter of this esophagus keeps the acid from the stomach from getting into the esophagus, and nicotine relaxes it. And eat no later than two hours before going to bed - in the prone position, the eaten puts more pressure on the notorious sphincter.

Still hurts? Refused all the delicious food and alcohol, but the heartburn continues? You may have gastroesophageal reflux disease. See your doctor, this disease can lead to esophageal cancer.

Lower Back Pain

Understand What's The Matter The most common cause of back pain is muscle fatigue due to incorrect posture. More than 80% of men at least sometimes suffer from these pains.

Stop During the exacerbation of the problem, take painkillers every four hours, apply a warming ointment to the painful area for 10-15 minutes three times a day. And do not lie on the couch in the hope that everything will pass - the usual, rather than bed rest, relieves pain faster.

Warn Stretch the hamstrings - when they are tense, they can pull the muscles of the waist. And find a special pillow to correct your posture while sitting, buy it and put it under your back. She forces you to sit straight and not hunch.

Still hurts? Refer to the orthopedist - you may need special physiotherapy, injections or even surgery.

Muscle Pain

Understand The Cause Tendonitis - painful inflammation of the tendons, often accompanied by swelling. Most often localized in the shoulders, elbows or knees, makes them difficult to move and over time can lead to irreversible dystrophic changes. According to statistics from the British Medical Journal, active male men suffer from tendinitis on average twice a year.

Stop Take anti-inflammatory, it dilates blood vessels and brings relief without loss of tissue elasticity. And cool the painful place for 15 minutes three times a day. And at least for a week, give up serious physical exertion.

Warnings Changing different types of physical activity will help relieve stress from the muscles and prevent tendonitis. Pick up exercises that will not be too stressful for potentially painful places: use a climbing machine if your elbow from playing tennis starts to hurt, and an exercise bike if your knee is sore.

Still hurts? Go to an appointment with a physiotherapist for the selection of recovery exercises. And if the pain persists, ask for ultrasound therapy, which improves blood circulation.

Pain In The Base of The Hand

Understand what the case is Tunnel Syndrome - not the name of a rock band. It is an inflammation of the nerve that goes from the forearm to the hand through a narrow passage at the base of the hand. The base of the brush hurts, tingles, numb.

Stop Developing flexibility - twice a week yoga classes relieve pain. You can also wear an elastic bandage on your wrist at night, while working at the computer and when you are driving. The dressing keeps the brush from excessive bending and prevents further irritation of the nerve and the development of tunnel syndrome.

Warn  Install the keyboard so as not to strain your wrists. Bending of the wrist in any direction creates significant pressure on the nerve. And develop a strong handshake with a wrist expander - this also increases the flexibility of the brush.

Still hurts? The surgeon will either give you corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, or will have an operation. Do not be afraid, they will not cut off your hand.

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