.. 8 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Habits - Knowledge Corner

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Tuesday 26 February 2019

8 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Habits

8 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Habits

lose weight

It is difficult for me to let my patients go back to the normal world, where they will become even more obese and shapeless ... and in a couple of years they will come back to me with another attack (if they manage to take them, of course). That's why I wrote the book The Recipe for a Lean Belly (The Lean Belly Prescription).

May I hope to help you make big changes in life, you should not be afraid - it will not be painful. I will offer you some ideas on how to replace the “wrong” foods in your diet. Choose only three of them and try to implement. You will lose weight, getting enough energy and feeling full. Do not try to implement all my advice at once - you will not pull, it is checked. And the main feature of my method: base your choice not on what you want to give up, but on what you like to eat.

1. I love cheese and yogurt

And who does not love? And this is good. Studies show that people who consume at least 1200 mg of calcium) per day are 60% less prone to gaining excess weight than those who consume less calcium. Well, yogurt, among other things, reduces the amount of fat that the body absorbs from food during digestion. Here is a study by the University of Tennessee: people who reduced their food intake by 500 kcal a day, but added three servings of yogurt to the diet, lost over 81 weeks 81% more abdominal fat than those who did without calories and without yogurt .

Recipe: 1 cup of milk at breakfast, 40 g of cheese for lunch, 1 cup of natural yogurt as a snack - and so on every day.

Weight reduction to 1.3 kg in 4 weeks.

2. I love pasta and rice

Then go ahead behind them. Just replace your favorite refined carbohydrates - white bread, rice, pasta, cookies - with the same whole-grain (made from single-meal flour, not cleaned). They have fewer calories, they take longer to digest and give you the fiber you need for digestion. Here's a motivation for you: in the University of Pennsylvania study, those subjects who reduced food intake by 500 kcal a day and switched to whole-grain products lost twice the abdominal fat than those who simply refused the very 500 kcal a day .

Recipe Combine wholegrain products with lean meat, vegetables and healthy fats.

Weight reduction up to 3.6 kg in 4 weeks.

3. I love soda

Fluid intake is one way to fill your stomach, but it is important to ensure that you drink so greedily. In the diet of an average man of 20-30 years, drinks supply up to 15% of the total calories. And if you completely give up the sweet soda, weight loss will be more than if you cut your diet by the same amount of calories from normal food.

Recipe Do not drink Coca-Cola and the like. And if you absolutely cannot do without taste and bubbles, make your own low-calorie soda: one part juice, two parts unsalted mineral water.

Weight reduction up to 1.8 kg in 4 weeks.

4. I love to chew anything in between

That's great, chew - but only fruits and vegetables! For example, to consume folic acid (also known as vitamin B9), it is especially abundant in green leafy crops such as spinach and romain salad. This substance is critically necessary for the creation and development of new cells in your body, but the organism itself does not synthesize it. Well, in general, it is calculated: the average person of normal weight consumes almost 2 servings of fruit per day, while the average person with excess weight - less than one.

Recipe Eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day. An apple in the morning, a side dish of spinach for lunch, a carrot or a piece of cauliflower to crunch on the go, an orange in tea time, a cup of beans for dinner And no, supersweet fruit juice replacement is not suitable.

Weight reduction to 2.7 kg in 4 weeks.

5. I like breakfast

Well done! Eating breakfast regularly reduces the risk of obesity by as much as 78%. Just watch what you eat. Proteins (milk, eggs, yogurt, quinoa), whole-grain products (crushed oats, whole-grain toast breads and quinoa again), as well as whole fruits are required. Do you like that fatter? Then here are the results of the research for motivation: the one who began to eat less by 1000 kcal per day and at the same time consumes eggs and toast in the morning, loses 65% more fat than the one who differs from him only in bagel with cream cheese for breakfast.

Recipe Two eggs, toast made from whole-grain bread, two slices of bacon, a cup of low-fat yogurt with no additives, and some fruit — no later than an hour after waking up.

Weight reduction up to 1.8 kg in 4 weeks.

6. I love the second breakfast and afternoon tea

We also welcome snacks. In a good way, food in general should be taken at least 5 times a day. If you have a snack two hours before dinner, for example, then you definitely do not eat at night (and you will not pull on the plate all the fat and sweet things that are on the table with hunger). But lunch should be similar to breakfast: combine products from three food groups, and at least one of them should have protein.

Recipe Two 200-calorie snacks per day - one in the middle of the morning, the other in the afternoon. Combine proteins (nuts, yoghurt, cheese) with whole-grain products (bread, bean chips, pita), vegetables and fruits.

Weight loss up to 3.1 kg in 4 weeks.

7. I love milkshakes!

Then make them the cornerstone of your diet - but with a few wellness changes. Do you remember how good yogurts are? Do not forget how we love protein? Now learn the third useful word - smoothie: it is a thick drink of all that is useful to us. Just keep in mind that you will need a good blender.

Recipe Drink two smoothies a day - one as a substitute for the main meal (for example, lunch), and the second as a snack.

How to make Mix 1.5 cups of fruit and berries with 1 cup of yogurt or milk, add a tablespoon of peanut oil and protein powder, grind until smooth. If the drink is too thick, add half a glass of water.

Weight reduction up to 1.8 kg in 4 weeks.

8. I love fatty foods.

Fat is not poison, and even losing weight, it is necessary. So use it as an ally in the fight against abdominal fat. Researchers from Brigham Hospital (Boston, USA) put the subjects on different diets: one half - on a diet low in fat, the second - on the diet "moderate fat". A year later, both groups could boast of success. But those who did not neglect a reasonable amount of fat, lost an average of 60% more (if only because they remained full longer after each meal). Give up fried, drop to the minimum values ​​the consumption of animal fats (butter, cheese, fatty meat) and lean on healthy ones (those in nuts, fish, avocado).

Recipe: Eggs for breakfast, a handful of nuts at 10:00, avocado salad for lunch, ham and cheese roll for snacks and not too huge steak (190 g or less) of salmon for dinner.

Weight reduction up to 1.8 kg in 4 weeks.

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