.. Top 10 Good Reasons To Move To Australia - Live Happily Among Koalas - Knowledge Corner

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Sunday 10 March 2019

Top 10 Good Reasons To Move To Australia - Live Happily Among Koalas

Top 10 Good Reasons To Move To Australia - Live Happily Among Koalas

Top 10 Good Reasons To Move To Australia
You decided to go as far as possible, if possible at the end of the world? Good pick, it's right in Australia that awaits you your new life. And she's anything but disgusting. Top 10 good reasons to leave everything to leave to try your luck at the Aussies.

1. A climate that is good for your body

Australian cities are among the sunniest in the world with an average of 8 to 10 hours per day, against 2.5 in Lille for example (note that in reality it is 3). We advise you to stay rather on the south coast between Sydney and Melbourne, or Adelaide, to avoid suffering too much heat. And if you're the type to love the rain (kind of crazy), the good news is that it rains in Australia and not just water, we sometimes see strange weather phenomena like fish showers , and even spiders.

2. 43% of immigrants (+ you) and it goes nickel

Australia is a multicultural country with almost half of the population (43% to be precise) born abroad or of immigrant parents. Some in France have already screamed at the invasion clinging to their flag, not in Australia, where the cohabitation is done naturally. There is even a national festival of diversity and harmony that takes place every year on May 21st. Australia is cosmopolitan and it feels everywhere: in food, culture, music, museums and of course, the population.

3. Nature and discovery power 1000

Depending on your cultural background, nature in Australia will make you think of Jurassic Park or the FallOut video game. Everything from fauna to flora is gigantic, surprising, extreme or totally crazy. There are more than 500 national parks in Australia, not to mention the ocean, rarely far away from big cities. Clearly, you will not have any excuse to stay locked at home on the weekend to glander in front of your screens. Between us, nature in Australia is worth all the streaming series of the world.

4. Are you sick? We'll take care of you

The Australian health system is called Medicare and like Social Security, it covers part (75%) of most medical expenses. Practical except that to qualify, you must be a permanent resident, be Australian, or belong to a country that has a bilateral agreement on reimbursement of care. And as it is decidedly not your lucky day, France is not part of it, unlike the Italy of England or Sweden. Let's recap, Medicare is great, but it's not for you until you get your permanent resident visa. And for that, you'll have to find a job (or have a degree in a field sought in Australia).

5. Work for everyone, even you young

Your work-holiday visa in your pocket, you do the shitty jobs to break the lumbar in the fields, or elsewhere. Unless you have a nice diploma in your pocket, your debut on the Australian labor market may seem like a tough job. Hang on man, the best is yet to come. It's a start, the important thing is to have a foot in the system and earn enough to allow you to see it coming. By cons, do not bury yourself too long in these extra jobs. It's not too badly paid, but your work visa only lasts a year. If you want to settle permanently, you will have to find a job a little longer. That's good, the job market in Australia is particularly dynamic, hires and redundancies being more easily than in France. For better and for worse.

6. Premises Zero Headshot

If you ever meet an Aussie panicking, either it's a tourist, or there's really a cool thing that's about to happen and it's time to get out! The Wallabies are indeed followers of the "No worries Attitude" (no worries), or how to avoid taking the head at the slightest annoyance. It still may spill you a bath landing from France.

7. Dating in real life

Drop your Tinder, meetings in Australia are also in real life. And not just for breeding purposes. It also works to talk about good weather or any other subject that is just as exciting. Do not be surprised if an Australian smiles at you, or worse, speaks to you. Do not look for any innuendo, except that of exchanging 3 words and having a good time, whether it takes 20 seconds or 4 hours to remake the world.

8. Perhaps the best coffee in the world

Long loyal to the cup of tea inherited from their British roots, the Australians snubbed coffee before tasting their first espresso (in the 60s) and becoming totally addicted. More than just consumers, the Aussies have developed a real coffee culture. And it feels, coffee bars have invaded the big cities in recent years, consumption has exploded and Australians have even started to produce their own crop: a small wonder even if they tend to drown in a liter of milk.

9. Will there be sport

A country where the weather is nice, with large spaces and beaches as far as the eye can see, of course it makes you want to frolic, run (naked or not), swim, surf ... in short, get out of it, but move! Australians are not gaulé like gods for nothing. Their secret: the spooooort.

10. A SMIC of nabob

In 2016, the statutory minimum wage in Australia was $ 17.70 per hour compared to the equivalent of $ 14.98 in France, an increase of 18%. Above all, you can work as many hours as you want, lucky! With a little luck and a lot of work, you can even hope to touch the Australian dream with an average salary higher than 30,000 euros per year, against 26,000 euros in France. Above all, the Australian labor market is less conditioned by the dictatorship of diplomas, which gives you a chance to climb the ladder, armed with your only BEPC.

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